PROpertyChekker is a petite company which specializes in managing short-term vacation homes, as well as vacant properties in the Central Florida area.

We are the reliable, cost-effective solution for your needs, as far as property management is concerned. No longer do you have to rely on management who are usually as absent as you are.

PROpertyChekker is a bonded and insured management company, eager to go that extra mile to deliverĀ Peace of Mind to its clients.

We offer reasonably priced packages of monitoring and upkeep services to suit your very own specific needs.

e.g.: We will check the inside and outside of your property on a biweekly basis, providing you with written reports and pictures depicting the property’s condition. Click here to see our biweekly package.

Should there be issues requiring plumbing, electric or handyman services, we have a team of trustworthy and competent licensed workers, who will immediately assess the situation, estimate the repair cost for your approval and then promptly correct the issues under our watchful eye.

If there is an emergency condition, such as a leaking hot water heater, or a frozen coil, we will instantly do what we can to minimize damage to your property, document the damage, and notify you immediately. We can meet insurance adjusters on your behalf and monitor what being done. We shall be your eyes and ears, so that you can have Peace of Mind.

Please refer to our testimonials by clicking here.